Game Projects by Blaine Myers
Emergence Engine and Tools
All software applications are written in C++ with additional command-line tools written in C++ and Python.
Emegerence Engine and E.X.P.L.O.R.: A New World
Emergence Game Engine is a game engine that powers E.X.P.L.O.R.: A New World.
Other Tools
- egmake2 - Tool used in aiding the build process. Builds data assets. Localizes data assets and localized text in code. Etc.
- msEG2 - Plugin for MilkShape3D to export meshes and skeletons to the Emergence Engine formats.
- EGSetPaths - Tool to setup environment variables used in the build process.
- EGLpkViewer - Tool to view compiled and packaged game assets.
- vsgen - Tool to build visual studio projects for game libraries, tools, and SDKs.
- CSVImport - Tool to import various game assets from excel spreadsheets or CSV files. (Works with Perforce depots.)
ScrollGIN and Tools
ScrollGIN is a 2D side-scrolling engine designed for games similar to those seen on early consoles such as the NES. It could also be used to develop top-down dungeon crawlers or RPGs.
The engine features a tile based map format, each tile being a square. All physical geometry for collision detection is in the form of AABBs. Rasterization by DirectDraw. Also features parallax scrolling backgrounds. It is written in C++.
This is a utility designed to generate maps for the ScrollGIN engine. It is an easy to use tool that allows the user to create a map. It works similar to MS Paint, but instead of painting colors, tiles are painted. It also allows the "painting" of physical geometry. Written in C++ using the Windows API.
Rather than accessing images directly from the disk. ScrollGIN uses a custom image format. This custom image format is designed to store multiple images into a single file. For example, an animated sprite consists of an image for each frame. This utility allows the user to define each frame of an animation, and compact that data, as well as the image data into a single file. Multiple sprites can be stored in a single file. Developed using C++ and the Windows API.
E.X.P.L.O.R. and Tools
E.X.P.L.O.R. is an engine intended to power a grid based dungeon crawler as seen from the early 80s to mid 90s.
Huckleberry’s Adventure
A trivia game written in QBasic as an English class project.